Midiafire com minecraft
Midiafire com minecraft

  • Spore Blossom no longer has a randomly offset hitbox (MCPE-121658).
  • Lightning no longer randomly strikes mobs that are under blocks (MCPE-121688).
  • Grown up Goats no longer lose their Horns when reloading a world.
  • Fixed Horses sometimes becoming invisible after players dismount them (MCPE-108568).
  • Mobs can now pathfind correctly when standing on Amethyst Buds (MCPE-130010).
  • Multiple Shulkers will no longer be able to spawn in the same position from spawn eggs or End City generation (MCPE-43972).
  • Powder Snow above undead mobs now prevents burning effect.
  • Undead mobs standing near Powder Snow now burn normally (MCPE-131005).
  • Strong/long/splash/lingering potions can be placed in the Brewing Stand manually (MCPE-86636).
  • Holding a Shield in Marketplace maps no longer shows a content error.
  • Made projectile items move more smoothly when far from players (MCPE-101102).
  • Travelling through End portals can no longer cause players to take fall damage (MCPE-135226, MCPE-132484).
  • Fixed Large Chest display so the brightest end of the Chest is chosen (MCPE-123592).
  • Fixed Bed display if the foot of the Bed is in a brighter area than the head (MCPE-123592).
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when crafting a Crafting Table with Gameplay Tips enabled.
  • Optimized pasting unicode text into Book & Quill (MCPE-119651) indir minecraft pe apk download.
  • Fixed several crashes that could occur during gameplay.
  • midiafire com minecraft

    Features and Bug Fixes Minecraft BETA Apk Stability and Performance Please send us your feedback in the threads at , and search and report any new bugs you may encounter at . We have another Bedrock Beta update today, and we’ve fixed a bunch of bugs!

  • Minecraft 1.17.30 APK Download Mediafire for Android 2021.
  • Technical Updates Minecraft beta download.
  • Features and Bug Fixes Minecraft BETA Apk.

  • Midiafire com minecraft